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say a little blurb on your thoughts! I've been waiting to get my beta invite. If they want people with crappy systems to test the game, I'm their man!





What would you compare the combat style too? Wow/Lotro/etc..


Large world?




Lots of lore?


Is it grindy(kill 30 of these and bring me back their hoofs)?




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haha...short post is short. I wanted sleep so I just posted those quickly. Unfortunately I can't really compare it against WoW because I stopped playing right before the first expansion came out. If I make any comparisons please keep this in mind.


Character Creation

It was actually pretty simple. You get pretty much the same amount of options you do on WoW. Switching classes/races though is pretty tedious because you have to wait for their little zooming in animations to finish before you can click on another character, unless you're fast enough to click it while it's zooming.



Everything ran extremely smooth and looked good on my system. I didn't have any troubles at all. However, my system specs are:

P4 Core 2 4200 @ 1.2GHz


ATI HD4850


Public Quest System

Absolutely genius idea. Anyone can partake in a PQ, you don't need to join a party and you can jump in/out at any time as it's ongoing. People say the system judges things fairly based on what class you are and what your "job" is but I didn't really see that yet. I did manage the get first and second a couple times, though, which got me the top loot prize. On the first server I played on there were so many people it was an absolute lag fest. You just had to keep hitting tab to target and then a number for your skill, repeat and hope you hit something. After switching to a lower populated server things were fine.



These are like WoW's Battlegrounds except, not as lame (depends). The only lame scenario I played was my whole team was in the lower levels (including myself, Rank 6) and the other side was all near Rank's 8-11. Final score was like 16 to 500...LOL.... T_T;;;;


So far I've played 3 different type of scenarios. It's all "capture and defend 3 points till you hit 500 points". I didn't see any capture the flag style scenarios yet. Unfortunately I didn't take any screenshots, a couple of the locations were pretty cool.



There are designated zones for RvR (Realm versus Realm). As soon as you step foot into an RvR zone you have 10 seconds till you're flagged as RvR. All the beta servers seemed to be PvE and I'm not sure if there will be PvP servers or not but this method worked out quite nicely. I was disappointed that after Rank 11 you can't go back to the Rank 1-11 RvR and help out. Instead, you get turned into a chicken where you do 1 point of damage per hit. I lol'ed and ran around as a chicken, got killed, didn't care because I was a chicken. I'm sure the other person got a good laugh out of it too "zomg dood you wouldn't guess what I just did....I killed a chicken in RvR LULZ".



Depending on the class leveling can be tedious or it can be an absolute blast. As a Squig Herder (ie: WoW's Hunter) I found leveling to Rank 6 took about 7hrs where as going as a Chosen (tank) it only took 1.5hrs to get to Rank 6. To give credit to the Squig Herder it was my first WAR toon so I was getting used to the whole game. But, to discredit that the Squig (his pet) was very very unresponsive. I had to bitch slap him to get him to attack (issue the command 2+ times).



I'm pretty disappointed with the loot system. Throughout the whole time I played, I only got say 10 weapon/armor drops out of which only 3 things I could even use. I got this sweet blue (white -> green -> blue -> purple) armor drop but I couldn't even wear the damn thing, such a heart breaker. On the other hand getting cash from the drops wasn't an issue at all. After I was done playing my highest Rank character (Rank 13) I had about 5 gold (bronze -> silver -> gold). Skills were only costing like 1s at that point and well...not much in terms of selection for weapons/armor to buy so yea...lots o' cash to fill your pockets with.



I loved questing. As you can see in the screen the quests are on the right. But the more amazing thing is that the 'zone' where the quest objective was would be highlighted in red on your map. Hover over it and it tells you the quest and any thing else in that zone. Shops, npc's (who to get a quest from, who to turn them into etc).


As for types of quests, they were pretty much the same vanilla quest types like WoW

1) Kill X monsters

2) Get X drops from killing Y monsters

3) Kill special dude Z

4) Go here, talk to this douche bag


Although, sometimes with #3 you'd get to take the persons head and stick it on a pike. It was just their bare skull though, no bloody stump of a head http://www.fnfclan.com/uploads/uploads/emoticons/default_sad.png I guess they had to do this otherwise it might have needed a higher ESRB rating than teen.


Apparently my co-worker was telling me before that if you've killed 10 goblins before and then get a quest that asks you to kill 3 goblins you can complete the quest. I didn't see where this was happening at all..



They have this thing called the Tome of Knowledge, this thing is absolutely awesome. It logs pretty much *everything* you do. It keeps track of play time, all the monsters you've met and killed, all the lore you encounter, NPC's, quest logs, and so much more. Imagine playing for years and looking at your ToK zomg http://www.fnfclan.com/uploads/uploads/emoticons/default_ohmy.png!!!


NPC's fucking piss me off. I was RvR flagged and had some guy beating on me. I ran up to my own NPC's thinking, yaaaaaay, I'm safe. I get 2ft from them and the guy kills me while they just stand there jerking off. That pissed me off I wrote a hate mail feedback through their in game feedback thing. Grrrrrr.


Monster pathing needs work on it, badly. For example, if you ran at a monster and threw a projectile at it, the monster would be like "oh shit, time to attack!....after coffee". It would sit there for a few seconds and then run AWAY from you. You'd be like "wtf, where you going dude? I didn't hit you that hard..." so you'd go and attack another monster "your buddy just ditched you, now you die...great friend, huh?". A few moments later here comes buddy, finally got some balls and decided to find the right path to you to get some revenge. I saw Dwarfs running through cave walls for no reason...THROUGH CAVE WALLS. I want to smoke whatever it is they're on cuz that's messed up.


That's pretty much all I can think of at the moment. :S

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If it helps any I had more fun in WAR from 1-10 than I did with WoW 1-10.

As a pally in WoW you can just kill those lame wolfs outside the start area and be bored out of your mind. WAR you're doing soooo many different things it's just fun.

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ya, most of WoW focuses on end game stuff. So the dreary task of getting there is, well.... dreary... WoW has tried to combat this a little bit by making lvls 1-60 quest give more xp, and currently for new players that get recruited by a friend get 3 x XP until 60. Even still, its a grindfest. You kill boars at 10, kill some more boars at 20, 30, etc... Makes me wonder how the hell I have 4 70's and a bunch more of 40. Guess it turned into a social game for me, just sit around and chat half the time.


Does the game feel very MMO'ish? Or can you really single player for the most part?

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I mostly did SP but with the Public Quests there always is the sense of the MMO part to it too even if you want to fly solo. Also, if you ever change your mind they have an open party system. Anyone can create a party and as long as you don't "lock" it anyone can jump in and join your party. I did this quite often when playing RvR I would just jump into an RvR marked party but there's PvE categorized parties as well so you know the party you're joining if for RvR, PvP, etc.
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