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FNF 00-06


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Hmm well..Guess its my turn to reply.


6 looooong years. Where to begin is the hardest part. Guess I will begin where it all started. I got killed by Ed through the box under the tunnel on Dust. I had been playing for a few months and at the time haxors were rampant in CS. I was part of a clan called 4RoA (Riders of the Apacolypse) and we were doing very well in OGL. After I accused Ed he politely told me that no one in FNF hacked and directed me to this site. I jumped out of the game and took a look around, read the mantra, and rules and jumped back in the game and appolgised to Ed for accusing him. Needless to say the FNF server was just what CS needed from my persective at the time. No swearing, no punks, no hackers, and wicked people. I issued a challed against FNF from 4RoA. We had a match and if memory servers correctly I "think" it was a tie. However I was disgusted at the way my clan acted during and after the match. I remember Fife asking me one time "So are you still part of that other clan?" To wich I replied "No' and he said , "Well FNF would love to have you stick around on our server".


You all know the way thing went from there... REG's were formed CAL was joined, all in all FNF was thriving and the best way to spend my evenings.

So much so that all I did was want to play CS and hand out with my "Friends" who played with me. I put far to many hours into the game and not enough into the relationship I had at the time. 3 years down the drain because of my CS addiction. Yes I said it.. Addiction. Broke up with one girl and met another. I have worked lots of jobs over time even had my own moving company at one point. I dissapeared from CS for awhile after the whole "incedent" Ive been a mover, Landscaper, Construcioner, Demolishoner. So many jobs so litte motivation. I find myself these days stressing about my future.


I picked up a hobby I have always been pationate about.. Cars. I own a couple cars now and most of my free time is spent wrenching. I have another "clan" so to speak of friends and we have a shop called Backyard Barn Performance. Its a shop in a Barn out in abbostford. We have built ourselfs up a name in the racing community around here and we are getting more and more work sent to us. We all hope that the shop will get good enough to support us as we all love to do what we are doing. I aim to have 1 of the top 5 fastest Civics in BC and hopefully this year I get my goal.


I write this today with no job at the moment, and I litterally just found out that the girl I have been seeing for the last 4 years is not who I thought she was. I will just leave it at that but say that I found some interesting text messages on her phone and we ended things this morning. I dunno what Im going to do with life now. 32 years old, no job, no girl. Kinda feel to old to start over again. I always thought at this age I would be married and have children. That was my goal anyways. Time will tell I guess. I do know one thing though...


FNF will always be a part of my life. I have friends in this CLAN that I know more about and mean more to me than anyone I know. You guys have been amazing in so many ways. From meets to simply online talking and shooting the shit. Fuck who would have thought that a game of running around killing each other would have brought so much joy, happiness, and good times. Fuck I never would have thought I would be wearing a fucking Toga, pulling a chariotte, having a roman weapon gladiator tournament with a guy I met online. Fuck that sounds ghey!!! haha.


Its funny because when I try to explain to people why I like to play cs so much they just dont get it. I say... I play with my friends. That is what you all are friends. Every year I look forward to the meet.. Im still pissed I never got a Jersey. Sadley if you can make me a one off I would be forever in your debt. I still wear my Hoody loud and proud and I have only been recognised 1 time from wearing it... At a Rave on the Island lol!! Lets not forget walking through the mall and running into a bunch of FNF fuckers out looking for wedding gifts!! haha What the hell are the odds of THAT!!


Thats all Im gonna put down for now but I will come back to this and write more when I get to it...


I love all you guys.


Berz out.

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Cheers to memories and history! Im sorry to hear about your girl Berz, but to be honest shes not worth you or your time then man. You deserve way better and 32 is still young http://www.fnfclan.com/uploads/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png my parents had me in their late 30s early 40s. Theres hope out there and enough for you, take some of mine, i got lots. I used to be single, with a horrible job, depression and wut not. Now i have lots of friends, a fantastic woman, a great job and im doing better than i was. I have faith in myself and everyone here including you bro.


Oh yea i wouldnt mind a jersey AND a hoody lol and perhaps a DECAL/Bumper sticker for my car lol thanks for remindin me berz.

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Holy crap adam, that’s what I call a shitty monday. Sorry to hear you spent that much time with her and now it feels wasted.. For whatever its worth, I hope you come around to knowing that regardless of how it ended, there were still good things about the relationship youll always get to keep. . . Like her amature pron!


(sorry, was getting too serious)


Really tho.. Ugh ! But, fuck, that’s life. Its so very fond of kicking us in the heads when we need it the least, eh ?


It was good to read your post, your 'whats up' was one I was really looking forward to reading, I guess because of how you always seem to have been there through some of our best and worst moments. Youre a piece of that history, both good and bad so like you said, FNF will always be a part of your life.. Cause you'll always be a part of it.. Yah, I know.. Queue corny music now… : )


I think im understanding now why I really started this thread.. I think I wanted to see whether or not I was alone in having changed a lot over time, in regards to 1, where I am at in life, and 2, where I am with respect to gaming. Although I see a mixed bag of game lots/hardly at all it definitely seems that everyone's attitude has shifted and matured, which is reasonably predicatable I suppose.


The best thing about all that is that it helps me see that what I think we need to do as former-clan-come-loosely-connected-gamers-come-adults ( okomgwtfsoz ) is, actually, what we need to do. Let go of the stranglehold ' clan-ness' has over our identity as a group, and embrace what comes next. Which is…

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