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FNF 00-06


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So dudes, here's another thread for those of you introspective types.



Im not going to 'lead' this one ( partially because i want to hear how you guys interpret this, partially because i reely need to take a crap right now ) so ill just put the question to yas...


It's been an amazing SIX years since the clan was founded. Yes, its amazing more because it's SIX YEARS later more so than that every year since 00 has been amazing, if you catch my drift.. but none the less.. SIX years is a long time.


We've had countless people come through our forums and servers. thousands of players. hundreds of members. dozens and dozens of regulars. And a few hardcore, life-long members that will never leave ( i hope http://www.fnfclan.com/uploads/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png )


What i want to know is.. Where have these last 6 years taken you in your life ? Whats changed for you ? Where are you at now, compared to when you first started posting/playing here ? Is it where you expected ? Is it where you wanted ?


Tell us all how life has changed for you in the years since you joined - inquiring minds want to know !

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I haven't been here the whole 6 years obviously, but the year and a half or so I have it's been fun, sure not all of you play 1.6 a lot anymore but it's still good. Now it's time for Frank to come and make some corny comment on this... lol
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I've been around in the community for about 3 years, I think. Anyways, it's been a blast. I had plenty of good times on the servers, Terry still holds the record for keeping me on the goddamned computer the longest (13 hour CS binge on new years eve.... yea, we're losers). Had a hell of alot of fun partying with most of you guys at the meets, and I'm fortunate enough to consider some people I've met here far better friends than anyone that I initially met IRL. I have more to say, and random memories to recall, but supper and band practice call, so, like Steve, I'll put it off to later.
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I first started out in another clan which took a turn for the worse but at that time I was currently in school. Terry was in the year above me and we started talking; CS being the common interest. We'd play after classes at times untill the evenings ordering in super greasy pizza. He convinced me to join. First member who stood out to me was Frank. Crazy and insane guy from Florida. Which, will sink soon so hurry up, get in your batmobile and get out to Canada.


Then there was this guy I kept hearing about "founder of FNF" but he was like a ghost. Some dude named etruscan and another dude named GunEd. The whole BoD thing that was structured, I figured as pretty cool.


Back then it was all about the pubbing. It'd be great to go into a server where everyone else was playing. Which soon the focus turned to CAL.


So many things that went on, all the good times, the frustrating ones; fucking jordan being all annoying and baiting like it was fishing season http://www.fnfclan.com/uploads/uploads/emoticons/default_laugh.png . All the people that we've seen come and go.


The first time source came out; Me, Marty, Terry and Robert going to a LAN to play it. Crashing at DMC's place for a couple nights, going out to a pub and hanging out with Steve. Which, he was getting a "hair cut" and was late, punk http://www.fnfclan.com/uploads/uploads/emoticons/default_laugh.png.


The meet! oh man the crazy assed meet. Best evar imo, even though I've only been to two but still. Jerseys, drinking, crazy bbq / bday, the events at the park, terry and mike cuddling on the balcony. Quachie drunk! The "zomg we got sponsored, Mike got doom 3" prank. Meeting everyone, was pretty cool. Hopefully next years meet has the same turnout.


Then there was the whole WoW craze. We lost a few people to it; Terry, Mike. Things just started mellowing out from there. People started posting less and less. Keeping in touch less and less. It's good to know that people still do check the forum, though. As for me I've moved to Vancouver in May. I http://www.fnfclan.com/uploads/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png.


In closing I would just like to say DID SOMEONE SAY STEAK?!

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"Hi, my name is Mike and I'm from Miami."


Also, standing outside Steve's place and watching someone puke from the window above. That bitch took our bed!!!


That crazy hermaphrodite at the mall thinking I was making fun of it with a Chewbacca growl and chasing me up to the men's bathroom but not going in because she wasn't a he anymore.


Quachie sleeping in the bushes.


Omg... how could I forget... "Oh my god, the dogs look like FOXES!"


My life has not changed very much actually. I can't decide if that's bad or if it's ok to be par for the course or whatever the saying is. The clan as we know it is dead, really. It's just our own personal posting place now, which is cool, but it's not a clan as we knew it. Which is kind of sad, but kind of natural. People grow up, or grow older, or grow farther away. It used to make me mad, but sometimes there's beauty to an old car in high grass with flowered vines covering it. You can still see it shining sometimes under the right light when the wind blows the foliage just so.


This is, of course, just my opinion.

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Well, I've been around for what... 4 years? I picked up CS after hearing about it from some friends, and not long after my backwater hometown finally got highspeed. I heard about FNF from a friend of Toku's who was dating my sister. I remember pubbing and I remember applying for the PSH/regular position. Getting accepted for genuine FNF-status blew me away.


Ah, the pubbing. Playing with a drunk Frank and Christie on St. Patricks Day, belting out Bohemian Rhapsody over alltalk still holds to be the best multiplayer experience yet. The FNF Christmas Cyber meets were fun... I was so stoked when we actually filled up the server with all FNFrs. I guess I've always been more of a casual gamer - I was never to fond of the scrimming or CAL matches. It's funny - Almost every single time my family had guests over they'd ask who I was talking to in the basement. On other nights it would be what I was singing so horribly to/about.


But the first FNF meet I attended was friggin' awesome. I drove into Vancouver in my parents beater that didn't have air conditioning. I couldn't find the right house number, until I recognized Steve's place from a pic someone put on the boards. The next few hours were trippy, attaching all the voices I'd heard time and again to real faces and people. I remember feeling sick at the olympics chugging (and then hurling back up) the soda as we ran around the park... The supper at the restaurant where Mike couldn't get a single thing he wanted. Hahaha, that was great. I'm so lucky to have met you guys in RL. I've never had a better time than at that meet... Who'da thought a dozen or so of us strutting down the street in hot muggy weather wearing jerseys could be so much fun? Hah, and if only I would've stayed for another day I wouldn't had fallen for that Doom3 stunt http://www.fnfclan.com/uploads/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png


But where've I gone? I guess those 4 years would bring me back to being mid-end of highschool. I was never too fond of school, so I wore my jersey to Grad in my own small gesture of defiance. I got a lot of funny looks. Since then I've held a fistful of odd jobs... Blown the money on a fistful of computer and technological gadgets. I've gotten my liscence and gotten my first car (which turned out to be a lemon). I got my very own computer (no longer sharing with my bro!), only to sell it right away to get a new system.


I've picked up new skills and talents because of my involvement in the clan (The first time I picked a graphics editor that wasn't MS Paint was for CS sprays and forum sigs). Now I'm on the verge of actually going to school to hone said 'skills' and hopefully make something of myself.


I'm almost 20, but I'm surprised at how far I've come from that dork in grade 10. And how far I've yet to go, I guess. Right now I'm Calgary, working for my uncle and putting some of my talents to work. I've made flyers and a catalogue cover, and was incharge of the company's graphics design for their new website that'll be out this November. Not mention, you can find my ads for Solarbotics in current issues of Make and Servo magazine.


It's kinda good the clan may be in a bit of a lull - I've been trying to cut back on my gaming so I can be 'productive' (re: farting around online instead of drawing or photoshopping something like I should be). Franks right. People change and move on. 6 years (4 for me) is still a long time. But it still doesn't keep me from remembering about the days I'd run home from school to waste away the evening infront of the computer with you jerks. Other kids had sports or girlfriends or part time jobs. I had FNF.



PS- Jeez, I didn't know this would be that long. Did anyone ask for a ruttin' autobiography?

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Well, well. It has been a long time, and its been good. I definitely would go to another meet, no questions asked, now that I have a steady, well paying job and all. Those were some of the best times. DQ, ABC restaurant, the pool, everything. And ya, like Keith said, I'd consider most of the people that I've met over the years, better friends than some of the people I see every day in real life. I'll always come here and will always try to come to whatever events we plan in the future. I've brought people to the clan, met people who've I've introduced to friends who are now inseparable (ROBERT!), gone through all the drama, helped with the site, coached people in CS and been there for a ton of people to talk to when they needed it and of course been a whiner to those few that will listen to me when I need someone to talk to(thanks to those). I tell ya, I wouldn't trade those times for the life of me. Since switching to WoW sort of I've never really found a home online anywhere else other than here. This still is my home! I've bumbled through a few jobs, messed up my back real good, taking a year off, broken up with my x for a year and a half, gotten back together, lived together with her for the first time ever in a different city, moved back to nanaimo, and found a steady well paying job(finally). Now I'm just kinda chillin, savin money, paying off debts, and getting back on my feet and possibly buying a sailboat some time in the nearish future. Taking a power squadron course too! Weee. So thats about it! Lets hear from the rest of ya folks!
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Well, lets see.... I've been around these here parts for about 5 years now, had the honour of playing with most of the FNF alum Etru, Ed, Gekido, Fife, Bob, Templar, Weebee, EJ, Merlin, Zest, Coel, etc and all the awesome guys/girl that made up the "regulars". I still have my "Welcome to FNF" email i recieved from FNF[barneyFife] on Sept 16, 2002. That was the day my cs name changed from Mayhem&Chaos to FNF[Mayhem] which it will always be when I play CS. That was a special time for the clan, it was pure enjoyment to come and play there and thats why it was so popular, the people who played there made you feel welcome, noob or not. Well times change, people came and went, good and stressfull times were had but FNF has soldiered on, thanks in no small part to Steve's unfaltering dedication to the cause. I made it out to the second meet (I think) and met some of the guys and I was glad i made the 13 hour drive, it was well worth it, just the chance to shoot GunEd for real made it worth it http://www.fnfclan.com/uploads/uploads/emoticons/default_wink.png no seriously, good times, good people, good host (thanks christie).


In the last 5 years, i've started and finished my carpentry apprenticeship, (Journeyman now baby!) Bought a house, Had a beautiful little girl, bought a couple vehicles, started my own company etc. So a lot has changed for me which is why post once in a while is all i can do, but remember that i am always lurking around somewhere in the shadows, watching, keeping an eye on the forums and wishing you guys the best in all you do.



Sorry its so long, havent posted much in forever, thought i'd make up for it LOL




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I haven't been active the whole time, but I think I was here since the beginning, or close to at least, different alias's of course http://www.fnfclan.com/uploads/uploads/emoticons/default_wink.png AsKiKr in the past haha. I remember the hopscotch crazy ass strategy we used to practice ass FNF, especially on Aztec, I remember distinctly hopping between those pillar things on the side. And I remember talking to Ed, I have no idea how I had him on msn, but I remember him telling me he was going to form this clan FNF, and 6 years later here it is? Then I remember disappearing, loosing contact with FNF for a long while, then coming back and saying something like "whats up mother fuckers" on the server only to get hopped on by a group of FNFers about my language haha...


Hmm haha back in the day all I did was play CS.. A lot has changed and came back to normal in a way I guess. I was a youngling when I started (like 10-12), I didn't have much of a life then, had friends, but didn't care all that much how often I hung out with them. Then I went to middle school, and started to care a bit more, aquaired some more friends, and then came high school. Finally I started to party and such hook up with some ladies haha, and then that kinda just died off.. Now i'm trying to make me a nice amount of paper.


Shit.. PepsiHomer (I know you all know him!) has been a friend since Grade 1, since I moved to this little devil of a town. He's the reason I started playing CS.. Honestly, I think friends that game are the best friends you can find.. Just something about them that's different and lets everybody get along more easily, tighter bond I guess.


One thing I wont forget though is rapping on cs_italy, haha I still remember that crazy rap either Mike or Vader was rapping while they were the last one left and owned the other team haha.


I think once you've been exposed to FNF it will never leave you. I always come back to check in from time to time.. And hope to make a meet within one of the next couple of years, that's one thing I've wanted to do since the beginning but being a youngling in the past, never had the chance.


But yes, I do miss the CS days, if only there was a way to make everyone play again.. Would people start up if there was a server?

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good lord, some of the memories listed almost make you wanna get teary eyed. here's my deal:


I was a highschool student in 01. I don't know if you guys remember DaN or not. Dan was a RL friend of mine, and apparently DaN knew vader from work. Somehow I ended up getting into CS, and DaN invited me to play on FNF. At the time, Dan, Vader and myself were the 3 miamian's playing on the PSH servers. FNF owned so much because it was always the same 10-24 people in the server every night. Stats were kept so you developed friendly rivalries with people. I remember berserker being my most sought after enemy and colossus being one of the funnest people to team up with. I could go on and on about all the stupid shit we pulled. Vent antics, etc.


Me and DaN screaming I AM COLOSSUS over voice comm.


Here's a lesser known fact, one day Bers, TehDuck and myself decided to go against everything psh stand for and go on a mass team killing, suiciding rampage. Needless to say, a lot of drama ensued and the three of us were banned. I look back and it was hilarious but whatever. I missed playing with FNF. Eventually, I came back and got unbanned and all was good. Obviously, bers came back in good standing and well duck, he was too much of an asshole to care lol.


I played FNF nightly from about 8 to about 2 in the morning before bed. It was great. Familiar faces, never really got boring. We did the CAL thing etc. I played for about 3-4 years of college and yeah, WoW came around. lol.


As far as RL, I graduated high school, earned a degree in culinary arts, moved in with my gf of 4 years, and work with the family business now. I did the cooking thing for a while and I'm kinda taking a break from it for right now. All is good though, and I still get the urges to play CS all the time. It sucks playing in pugs though. If we were to ever organize a cs night, i'd probably be there.


I attended the 04 meet, flew up with vader. We had a fucking trip lol. Saber, Banon, Tekmo, Vader, General, Rail, Jordan, Cril, Etru, Guned, etc, all you guys made it a blast. Breakfast at ABC, the pool, metrotown, playdium, we even watched Bourne Supremacy at the theatre, hahaha and then we walked all the way to downtown VAN, rented bikes and rode around stanley park and I remember saber's bike having a flat tire. hahah that sucked.



goooooooood fuckin times. /cheers

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Mike's post reminds me of another thing I want to share. So the whole meet is at playdium, and me and Mike are behind Steve and I think it was Jordan, for this virtual roller coaster, and Mike is harsh macking this asian bitch infront of us, and he asks how old she is and Mike turns to me with this goofy look on his face and says "Slap me, dude!"


Good times all around. I really want to have another meet with the Flordinians and Saskatchewaners... and Coel, he made me feel like less of an alcoholic.



(Edited for drunken spelling)

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