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Steve's Stag


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Just thought I would start on official thread for pics, videos and comments.


Well Steve did you enjoy yourself? I cant wait till some pics get uploaded you guys are in for a show. Steve in fine fashion puked right on his other friend Steve's face...... WE GOT THE PICS TO PROVE IT. It was an awesome day with a Roman theme including Chariot (made by GunEd and Dirk) races and Gladiator Combat. We took lots of video and lots of pics so whenever Steve comes to lol Im sure he can try to find some good ones for you all to enjoy.


Hope you had an awesome day Steve.


Berz out.

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Aww man, i had *the best* time possible.. it was just such an epic day. I still cant get over how much work was done to prepare for this thing, from the planning to the construction of the chariots, etc etc. Just craziness !!



Ill post some better photos and maybe a better account of the night at a later point if anyone wants to hear it. Im kinda busy with work now, so i'll just pass along the link to the pictures. They're not all very good unfortunately, and this is just what was on my little point and shoot camera.. but they give you an idea of what yall missed http://www.fnfclan.com/uploads/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png






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ah man, i wish you coulda been there too - and i know you woulda looked every bit the caesar in a toga !! it would be highly ironic, the englishman in a toga thing, but hey.. lifes like that : )


The mock-mortal combat with foam swords, nets, chariots shields and blindfolds was such a crazy thign to behold. pictures and stories just dont tell it, the smell of beer and spirits on your opponents breath as you thrashed against them was the stuff of high and ridiculous adventure. yes, we were in a back yard, but add beers.. beers.. beers and more beers.. and lots of other stuff.. we might as well have been in the colliseum.. the audience voted on who would live or die from time to time, and the cheers were probably being heard a block away, no jokE11


The chariot races that preceded this event were pretty mental, too, but mainly exhausting. it was a photo finish, which gave it flavor, but we basically ran out silly guts out for half and hour it seemed, then came back and lay on the lawn.. before drinking more beer..


serious blurriness was setting in after the fights, but not so blurry that we missed the pretty lady that visited us for just over an hour. that was a freaking trip, lemme tell you. I was so completely embarrased, i was embrassed that i might not seem as embarassed as i really was, which is really embarassed. bare. assed. yeah. it was crazy.


after that, i remember some more drinking (during the hour that 'scarlett' was there, i drank two beers through the funnel, swigs from about 5 other peoples drinks, and a skank ass martini made with vodka, dark rum, and fire. (tobasco sauce) .. which i had to drink all at once.. (but not through the funnel, thank ye gods) without hands.. olives and everything. i member the bouncer guy that was there siad to me later that i was the only person he'd seen finish that without at least retching, which made me feel abnormal. it might not have really been a huge volume of booze within the hour, it was a horrid mix of stuffs.


anyways. im recounting it so thoroughly mostly cause it just all came back to me.. lol.. : )


all the research, money and effort the guys put into it really did leave me feeling a bit embarassed though. to be sourrounded by such good friends was worth the entire experience alone.. even worth having to put on that spandex bodysuit.. and drink the funnels. and be chained and had makeup put on, be put in an armbar y a coworker, bust my pinky finger biting ed's ass, chunder me goots into a bucked with a picture of my laughing bud that couldn't be there, etcetera, etcetera.. it was just that good a time : )


Only one im ever gonna get, so i guess its fitting i drop some pounds on the telling : )

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Well.. i guess i have my ultimate truth that most people dont read my posts.. even the reasonably good ones :


after that, i remember some more drinking (during the hour that 'scarlett' was there, i drank two beers through the funnel, swigs from about 5 other peoples drinks, and a skank ass martini made with vodka, dark rum, and fire. (tobasco sauce) .. which i had to drink all at once..
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