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Everything posted by EnglishBob

  1. When I was a lad it wasn't shirt makers we worried about, it was shirt lifters!
  2. Congrats... http://www.fnfclan.com/uploads/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png I traded my Accord in last Wednesday for a new Honda Pilot. Loved the way the accord drove but hated the color. What year is that? I love the older Fords.
  3. Your missing the ingredient that always accompanied my latter year games.... Alcohol, Lots and Lots of Alcohol! http://www.fnfclan.com/uploads/uploads/emoticons/default_buttrock.gif
  4. Gary Gygaxx > Bill Gates (But Bill has a little more $$)
  5. I used to love to play AD&D... started around 1983 and haven't played since 2000, just before I moved to the US. I miss playing.
  6. All built in flashes are crappy... most are good for 10 feet or less, the rebel's is good for 39 feet! But for serious flash photography you need an external flashgun, and the rebel has a hotshoe for one. The Rebel is compatable with any EF or EFS lenses.
  7. That's what I have, the 300d Digital Rebel, wonderful camera.
  8. Just got back from San Francisco, saw this establishment that has had patrons such as Keanu Reaves, John and Yoko and Monica Selesh....... Despite it's welcoming name.http://www.fnfclan.com/uploads/uploads/post-86-1101403285_thumb.jpg
  9. There's a few million Iraqi's thankful that Sadam is gone, the families of 3+ million kurds he has commited genocide on over the last 30 years are certainly pleased to see him gone. He was a despot and a tyrant. If it wasn't for the likes of the US and UK governments Kuwait would still be in Iraqi hands.
  10. Such a sad thing, but a part of the risk they take when they put on the uniform. That's what makes people willing to serve different from the rest of us. I have lost two friends in the military, one to a terrorist bomb in Northern Ireland in the eighties, and another in action in Bosnia. All we can do is keep their memory alive. http://www.fnfclan.com/uploads/uploads/emoticons/default_sad.png
  11. I was meaning someone should tell Goose and Cliffe it's in the works... there has been no significant work done on CS:2 in over 2 years. All work has been on HL2 and source. Given that all the companies involved with CS and HL are undergoing some problems and cutting back expenditure and production, it is going to be a LONG time coming.
  12. Someone should tell Cliffe and Goose that.
  13. Starte4d playing with layers and channels. http://gallery.crowleyhosting.com/albums/userpics/10001/normal_Death%20Valley%20Highway%20127%20-%201.jpg
  14. I want to be a slut but my wife won't let me http://www.fnfclan.com/uploads/uploads/emoticons/default_sad.png
  15. For a social Drink:- Bass Black Special (though over here I have to substitute Bass Pale Ale, about half the strength http://www.fnfclan.com/uploads/uploads/emoticons/default_sad.png ) Newcastle Brown Ale Strongbow For a serious Drink:- Any of the these three fine Scottish Whiskeys. Glen Fiddich Glen Morangie Glen Livet But as american bars insist on stocking piss instead of scotch, I'll usually go with Jack and Coke.
  16. Very, the only ones getting hit with any force are the ones wearing THICK, PADDED coats... when the guy kicks near his head you can see he pulls the kick... Either way there isn't one of them that throws a good punch.
  17. 10 definitions, the better few. 1. Bob Battery Operated Boyfriend as in a vibrator I had a talk with Bob last night. 2. Bob The first name that comes to mind when people are trying to think of names. "Hey! What should name our son, honey?" "How about Bob, dear?" 4. bob A word used in place of 'God'. When used, it often has hilarious results Holy Bob!!!! Well, thank Bob!!!! Oh, Bob!!!! Bob dammit!!! 5. bob Battery Operated Boyfriend : a vibrator, electric dildo, clit stimulator or anything electric used by a woman to get sexually aroused. The only thing that will ever pleasure that chick is a BOB! 7. BOB B.O.B. Bums Over Bitches. Just watch Bumfights 2: A Cause for Concern "BOB" "What does that mean" "Bums over bitches. Straight peckerwood." 10. Bob A mean mean mean mean person Bob torments Gregg because he is much more superior than her
  18. I never met a cow, pig or chicken I didn't like the taste of.
  19. Congratulations on being swayed by an ignorant prick who will exploit anything to make a fast buck for himself.
  20. Laughter certainly heals a lot of hurts.
  21. All of us old timers crawling out of the wood work.... I have Simon templar on my MSN list too! Whatever happened to Engine Jockey?
  22. Ironic that a comedian that was probably one of the most respected in his genre used the catchphrase:- "I Don't Get No Respect" RIP Rodney.
  23. He wasn't that great an actor, he was adequate... and if in 1995 he had died in that accident, I would of thought, it's a shame, but oh well. However, the contribution he has made to the world, to further the cause for the disabled, and research into paralysis research has greatly improved his worth to the world. I wish he had lived to see his dream of walking again, his last nine years have contributed so much, when he could of just gone into hiding and felt sorry for himself. Superman is dead, long live Christopher Reeve and may he be remembered for what he has done for others. http://www.fnfclan.com/uploads/uploads/emoticons/default_sad.png
  24. Been a Loooong time Chaddly! Too Long! Welcome back buddy.
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